QI Program
The QI Program purpose is for ongoing evaluation and quality improvement of the Emergency Healthcare System geographically located in the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council’s (SETRAC) Trauma Service Area.
To request a case for review, submit the below forms to QI Program (QIProgram@setrac.org).
Case Review may be requested for any of the following reasons:
- Provide advisory information to the EMS agencies and hospital systems related to issues and policies that could alter regional guidelines.
- Monitor processes and outcomes of patient care related to current regional guidelines.
- Presenting opportunities for analysis of data and information of scientific value for studies and strategic planning of the emergency healthcare system.
- Provide educational forums for improved patient care.
- Periodic mortality and morbidity case reviews.
- Other cases may also be reviewed that are regarded as having exceptional educational or scientific benefit.
All requests for case review should be submitted in writing and will be presented to the Medical Directors Committee for consideration.
You can review the CQI Policy here
SETRAC is a regional advisory council that engages in certain system performance activities as required by 25 Tex. Admin. Code § 157.123 et seq. These system performance activities, and the records and proceedings of such Recognized Committees are confidential and not subject to disclosure pursuant to Tex. Health and Safety Code § 773.091 et seq. and Tex. Occ. Code § 160.007 et seq.