Our Mission
The mission of the SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council is to develop and sustain a powerful coalition of providers, responders, and other healthcare related partners united together to save lives and improve health outcomes through research, education and collaboration.

Our Vision
The SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council will provide leadership within our region, state, and nation regarding the care of trauma patients and the solution to preventable mortality and morbidity.
Our Goals
Promote external communication to our constituents through public awareness programs, educational resources, and prevention programs. Identify and integrate our resources as a means to obtaining commitment and cooperation.
Identify leverage tactics to promote EMS provider participation.Develop a legislative agenda for procurement of funds related to trauma (direct and indirect), taking into consideration medicolegal aspects, regulatory agencies, pressure groups, and current legislation.
Establish system coordination relating to access, protocols/procedures and referrals. These structures will establish continuity and uniformity of care among the providers of trauma care.
Promote internal communication as the mechanism for system coordination which will include the EMS providers, consumers, and members of the SETRAC.
Create system efficiency for the patient and the programs through continuous quality improvement programs which will identify the patient’s needs, outcome data, and help develop standard uniformity.